Math Anxiety and Success: Guest Post on Math=Love

A few days ago, something super exciting happened. Sarah Carter from the beyond amazing Math=Love published my guest post about math anxiety and success on her blog. Sarah is an exceptional math teacher who blogs everyday, sharing what works with her students, her engaging math classroom decor, interactive notebooks, ways to organize, everything! You can find her on Twitter @mathequalslove.

Math anxiety is a real struggle for our students, especially those who have failed repeatedly. While the thought of getting out of my pajamas on a Saturday causes me some mental anguish, math has been shown to cause actual physical pain in people! 

If you haven't seen this video on the link between math and anxiety, it's worth a see. I found myself cheering it on as I watched.

Math Anxiety and Success

I've found a few ways to lower anxiety and build confidence in my students. One way is displaying their work on our classroom fridge. Even my seniors will most often choose to hang up their papers instead of bringing them home.

Another way is by adding math word walls to our classroom. My students refer to the math vocabulary references and examples on our walls whenever needed (I never cover them up). Even just knowing that they are there helps lower anxiety. 

So which comes first: math anxiety or math failure? And how does it all start? No matter the answers, there are ways to overcome these debilitating feelings. What are some ways you get kids more comfortable and confident in math?

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